Great Digital Marketing Tips To Boost Your Brand Awareness

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2020

One of the keys to running a successful business is getting your brand recognized by potential customers or clients. The more aware the public is of your brand, the more business you'll do. 

In the modern era, one of the best ways to gain brand awareness is by utilizing digital marketing. After all, the vast majority of human beings use their digital devices frequently. As such, there's no better way to reach them than through digital means. 

Are you interested in boosting your brand awareness through digital marketing? Need help? Here are some digital marketing tips for you to utilize. 

Maintain an Email List

If you want to build a customer base, you have to retain past customers. There are a number of ways to do this. However, the most common and effective way is to maintain an email list. It's something no one can take it from you. If you lost your social media accounts tomorrow, you'd still have your email list.

By getting customers to sign up for your email list, you can maintain direct communication with them over prolonged periods of time. This way, your brand will remain fresh in their minds, and they'll continue to buy products/services from you. 

Need help maintaining and building an email list or building your own online business? Help yourself to this free guide!

Converse With Influencers

One way to build brand awareness is by conversing regularly with influencers on social media. The more you converse with an influencer, the greater chance you have of him or her mentioning you on his or her page. Depending on how popular the influencer is, this could expose your brand to anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of people.

Get on Instagram and Twitter and start looking for influencers who fit into your niche. Then, begin liking and commenting on their posts. Over time, a relationship could blossom, with the possibility of leading to widespread brand exposure for your business. If you have a marketing budget, you could also pay Influencers to "shout you out". I've worked with Influencers with over 1 Million followers with that charge as little as $25 to mention a brand or page in their Instagram Story. However, please keep in mind that paying much more is typically expected. It depends on the niche of the account, but free or cheap marketing does exist.

Make Use of SEO

If you want to get tons of traffic to your website, you need to prioritize SEO or Search Engine Optimization. The more importance you put in SEO, the greater chance you have of your website landing on the first page of Google and other search engines. Once there, it will attract  more clicks and interest.

What does good SEO entail? Consistent and quality content, link building, keyword research, and much, much more. For the quickest results possible, you're advised to start brushing up on your SEO knowledge now. 

Be Active on Social Media

It's no big secret: social media is immensely popular. Heaps of people are on it, all of which are consumers. As such, if you're not active on social media, you're missing out on substantial amounts of brand exposure.  

Not only should you be on Facebook, by Twitter and Instagram as well. If your clients are in the business realm, you should also be on LinkedIn. I personally have met a lot of connections through my social media. Plus, social media is free. If you're not on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn (yes all 4), then your homework tonight is to join.

In Need of More Digital Marketing Tips?

While the digital marketing tips reviewed above will be of great use to you, they are only the tip of the iceberg. If you truly want to be effective in your digital marketing campaigns, you need the help of a professional. 

That's where I come in. I'm Heidi Cortez and I'm a business and branding expert. Not only can I espouse you with handy digital marketing tips, but I can also help you establish a marketing plan that works. 

Contact me today to schedule a session!


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